Read a review of Engaging Muslim Students in Public Schools from the journal MinneTesol.
Abraham Education does professional development training and publishing for educators in the United States. As Muslim-American teachers Abraham Education works to enable educators to build better relationships with Muslim students, practice culturally-relevant pedagogy, utilize books, topics, and historical narratives to better engage Muslim students and provide mirrors for them in the curriculum, and honor the religious rights of Muslim students in a way that reinforces educational goals and works effectively for the entire school community.
Please fill out the inquiry form if you would like us to consult with your school or wish for us to offer our seminars at your school. Check out our resource blog on our website for helpful tools as well, and you can purchase the book of our flagship program Engaging Muslim Students in Public Schools on Amazon.
Read a review of Engaging Muslim Students in Public Schools from the journal MinneTesol.
Abraham Education does professional development training and publishing for educators in the United States. As Muslim-American teachers Abraham Education works to enable educators to build better relationships with Muslim students, practice culturally-relevant pedagogy, utilize books, topics, and historical narratives to better engage Muslim students and provide mirrors for them in the curriculum, and honor the religious rights of Muslim students in a way that reinforces educational goals and works effectively for the entire school community.
Please fill out the inquiry form if you would like us to consult with your school or wish for us to offer our seminars at your school. Check out our resource blog on our website for helpful tools as well, and you can purchase the book of our flagship program Engaging Muslim Students in Public Schools on Amazon.