See what Muslim Parents and Parent Coaches say about our course...
See what Iram Bint Safia, a parenting coach and homeschooling mother with 500K followers says about our Parenting Course...
I am just mind-blown! I have read parenting books and followed various accounts about parenting but never found such valuable content! This doesn't just inspire me to teach my children, but I also learned more about myself
- Madiha, Muslim Mother

I and my family benefited greatly from this course. It taught us important aspects of self control and made us better understand our childhood.
- Bilal, Muslim father-to-be (insha'Allāh)
May Allah reward you immensely. This is a much-needed course. Just as we watched it to the T, I hope and pray to apply it to the T. SubhanAllah every detail of it is applicable to our day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute life as parents!
- Maimoona Ahmed, Muslim Mother
I benefited so much as a mother of teenagers I will inshaAllah rewatch such valuable information. May Allah reward you
- Umm Adel, Muslim Mother

I find this course extremely beneficial because it is from a Muslim point of view and you show real-life examples. It helps a lot!
- Maria, Muslim Mother
In my experience of putting these techniques into practice. Alhamdulilah, I'm finding it much easier to stay calm and actually get things done with my 3-year-old girl.
- Joshua, Muslim Father
So many things I learned in just the first hour! I feel special to able to have access to this!
- Bayan, Muslim Sister

I was praying for a course like this. May Allāh bless you and help us all stay guided in the deen of Islām. Ameen
- Farhana, Muslim Mother
I've shared this to SO MANY people. When you find something this good, you just want to scream it out to the world!
- Elnaz Shahin, Muslim Homeschooling Mother
This course helped me already in my interactions with my teenage siblings, parents, AND wife.
- Bilal, Muslim brother, son, and husband
I hope everyone listens and takes benefit from this course because it teaches us how to master our emotions with kids .
- Umm Abdullah, Muslim Mother

I've already started using what I learned from the first lesson and started to teach it to others as well.
- Daud Burke, Father & Student of Knowledge
The examples remind me exactly of mistakes I have made before with my fiver year old. Thank you for your course. Learning a lot!
- Suad Ahmed, Muslim Mother
What is taught about how to teach different aspects of Islām at different ages is a GOLD MINE!
- Maria, Muslim Mother
Educators need to hear this.
- Abu Yusuf, Muslim Father & Teacher
This is a very moving course.
- Khadiga Ali, Muslim mother