High School Curriculum Outline
Below is a presentation of a general outline for an EL curriculum that I would use in High School. This curriculum could be massaged for any EL level, for level 1's I would most likely author new texts/articles that illustrated the concepts taught in the selected texts but were sure to be at a more reachable level for the students work in their zone of proximal development. After my experience student teaching in high school with level 2s I do not believe that the chosen texts here are beyond their reachability to grapple with and believe that in most cases with our students we ought to err on the side of providing more challenging texts (that are built up to) that challenge the student grapple while guiding them through that process. The presentation is visuals that are meant to be articulated orally, but I have provided captions on the slides to cover the main gist what would be articulated in a presentation.