Instructional Math Word Problem Videos
To be successful solving math word problems ESL students need to practice rigorous processes of dissecting the text of the problem in order to properly understand the tasks the problem puts upon them. This type of instruction takes place daily in my elementary ESL classrooms. Since I have always taught in whole-class ESL classrooms I have come upon times where the needs of the class were such that station teaching had to take place. While myself and a general education teacher would each have a station to teach math skills, students working independently would undergo instruction in dissecting word problems digitally by going through problems with me in the videos I created that you can view below. Digital skills can actually enable a teacher to be in more than one place at at time!
POD2 12.8.2014 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.
Problem of the Day 1.5.2015 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.
Problem of the Day 1.20.2015 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.
Problem of the Day 1.26 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.
Problem of the Day 3.16.2015 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.
Problem of the Day 4.6.2015 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.
POD 4.12.2015 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.
POD Timeline 4.19.2015 from Michael Abraham on Vimeo.